Sunday, February 28, 2010

Repentance - in real sense...

Some people warn us to repent. What they mean is actually to stop us in doing things they consider sins.
Many people responded. They stop doing bad things for a while, but then find themselves doing the same things again and again and again until they lost hope of trying to change...

This people taught they have repented... but what they encountered is only MORALITY campaign.

Yes... people may stop from doing bad things but it remains only a form of morality because it is actually grounded on LEGALISM.

True repentance is change of mind a METANOIA..

Change of mind about : Who God is... and who we are in Him...

People do bad things because they do not know who God really is. They believed in God who is Wrathful. A God who is policeman always waiting for a time to strike them when they commit mistakes. A God who created humanity but is detatched and separated from them.

Moreover, people believed that they are bad and hopeless. They were made to believed that they are separated from God. That they are so dirty. Hopeless, worthy of hell.

To truly repent is to believe that God is love. He is Trinity. He is relational. In Christ, every person is now included into the divine fellowship. No one is outside. Because of this, every human is important. worthy and beloved of God.

BUT WAIT.. what about our bad behaviors... our bad acts..

Many people testified that when they really believed Who God is and Who they are in Christ, they experienced INNER TRANSFORMATION. Even without anyone pointing out their specific sins..They recieved a conviction to change. They do not enjoy anymore what they used to do.

This happens because they are now conscious of the reality that Christ is in them and they are in Christ...