Thursday, October 20, 2011

You Pray Because You are Connected ...

Look at your cell phone. I am sure you have a SIGNAL of the Network you have chosen to subscribed. If you are recieving the signal - you are connected!

NOW... look at the names of people in your phonebook. I am sure all of these people also have signals in their cellphones.

The reality which seems not obvious is that OBJECTIVELY you are already connected to every person registered in your phonebook, but SUBJECTIVELY you need to call each of them for you to be able to relate.

By our UNION with our Lord Jesus Christ we are objectively connected to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All humanity has the signal. That is why we can Pray with confidence and faith that God hears our prayers always. Our prayers need not travel a long distance to reach God's throne in a far heaven.

Moreover we Pray because we are connected not because we were cut off from God because of our sins and we need to pray so that we will be connected again.

Thank God our connection is IN Christ... it is therefore permanent not on and off . Our connection does not depend on us or on what we do or do not do.